The Cyber Dhuni
An online gathering for disciples in the lineage of Yogiraj Handiya Baba and Swami Vishnudevananda Saraswati of Prayag
to share the teaching of the dharma through original writings, poetry, translations of sacred texts, and recordings of discourses
Guruji Vishnudevananda
H.H. Swami Vishnudevananda Saraswati (1904-1997) was an illumined yogi and saint residing at the Triveni Sangam in Allahabad. Guruji would visit the West yearly and wrote many books sharing his simple and profound teachings and realizations with thousands of aspirants.
Baba Bhajanananda
Rev. Swami Bhajanananda Saraswati, DMin is a sannyasi (monk), pujari (priest),writer, and teacher living and serving at Kali Mandir Ramakrishna Ashram in Laguna Beach.
BAba Ambikananda
Rev. Swami Ambikananda Saraswati is a sannyasi (monk), pujari (priest), writer, and teacher living and serving at Kali Mandir Ramakrishna Ashram in Laguna Beach.
Click below to view the Satsang Video Archive

Return to the Source
A New Book by Baba Bhajanananda
“Swami Bhajanananda Saraswati, a monk of Shankara's Order and the main priest of Kali Mandir in Laguna Beach, is an austere traditional monk. This inspiring book, Return to the Source, reveals his devotion and passion for God, knowledge of the Hindu Scriptures and ritual, words of wisdom and practical spiritual guidance. This book originated from some of his class talks, articles, and writings, and over and above, from his sadhana and experiences. Readers will find in this book the pure spiritual tradition of Vedanta. It will help them to build their inner lives, to breathe the freshness of the eternal, and to attain peace and bliss.”
~ Swami Chetanananda, Vedanta Society of St. Louis, author of over thirty books on Sri Ramakrishna and Vedanta
yoga vedanta kutir
Yoga Vedanta Kutir is located in the city of Allahabad (traditionally known as Prayag), at the Triveni Sangam, the actual confluence (“prayag”) of the holy Ganga, Yamuna and Saraswati rivers. Yoga Vedanta Kutir is the ashram founded by Guruji Swami Vishnudevananda Saraswati, and is where, for over sixty years, he practiced his austerities, had his realizations and shared his teachings.

Kali Mandir
Kali Mandir / Ramakrishna Ashram is a non-profit, educational and religious organization founded in 1993 in Laguna Beach, California, dedicated to the worship of the Divine Mother Kali in the devotional tradition of Sri Ramakrishna, Holy Mother Sri Sarada Devi and Swami Vivekananda.

Ramakrishna Seminary
Ramakrishna Seminary is dedicated to training serious spiritual aspirants in aspects of applied theology in the light of the universal teachings of Bhagavan Sri Ramakrishna Paramahamsa (1836-1886), the great world-teacher and incarnation of divinity; who taught the transcendent unity of religion; the motherhood of God; and the mystical path of love.