"The Child"
The Dakshineswar Kali Temple at evening.
“Gradually evening settled in. Whether upon the bosom of the ocean, where the blue shadows of the infinite expanse have fallen, or within the deep forest, or atop the mountain peak that touches the sky, or along the banks of the wind-rippled river, or out in the field that stretches beyond the horizon, the humble person's mood underwent a change, without any effort. This Sun, who had been illuminating this world of the moving and the unmoving, where had he gone? A child is thinking. And then, another is thinking: the great soul who has acquired the nature of a child. Evening settled in. What a wonder! Who did this? Birds take shelter in the canopies of trees and are making a sound. Among human beings, those in whom Consciousness has been awakened, they, too, are repeating the Names of that Original Poet, the Cause of all Causes, the Supreme Person...Sri Ramakrishna is chanting the honey-sweet Divine Names, and everyone is eagerly listening and have become like carved figures. They have never heard such sweet Names—as if being showered in nectar. They have never heard, never seen such a love-soaked calling out of “Ma! Ma!” from a child! Sky, mountains, great oceans, vast fields, and forests—what need is there anymore to see them?...What was it that caused everyone’s restless mind to find peace? How was it that those who had held on to what was joyless now floated in joy?...Is this loving sannyasin the eternal God in a beautiful form?...He may be an avatar, he may not be an avatar. My heart has been sold there at his feet, and there is no going back! Him have I made the pole star of my life. Let me see how the Original Person is reflected in the lake of his heart.”
-“Sri Sri Ramakrishna Kathamrita” - 1.14.4
Translated from the Bengali by Swami Ambikananda Saraswati. All Rights Reserved. Copyright © 2018