The children of Yoga Vedanta Kutir practicing yoga and mediation in the early morning.
Brahmacharya means divine conduct—controlling lust by practicing celibacy when single and remaining faithful in marriage. Do not selfishly use the bodies of others nor misuse your own body through promiscuous behavior. There is a powerful divine energy within the body whose physical manifestation is the sexual fluid. Do not waste these fluids foolishly. Try rather to redirect them, as well as this energy, into higher channels by soul-elevating activities such as meditation, chanting, sacred study, self-inquiry, hatha yoga practice and dynamic selfless service.
The sexual energies, impulses and fluids in the body and mind are divine. There is nothing bad or impure about them. The yogi strives to redirect the sexual energies, discipline the sexual impulses and preserve the sexual fluids. Our behavior should be restrained and respectful with members of the opposite sex.
Immoderate sexual activity waste the sexual fluids, drain the nervous system, create deep mental impressions for sensual experience, and reinforce our identification with the physical body. Always dress, speak and behave modestly, refraining from pornography, sexual humor and language. It is imperative that we always seek refuge in the company of holy men and women.
Written by Bhajanananda Saraswati. All Rights Reserved. Copyright © 2016